Integrity Score 260
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By Age 23 you should be smart enough to realize this
1- Your 9-5 is someone’s passive income
Find new ways to make money and create your own income.
2- Addiction to pornography
Is the biggest killer of success. It will stunt and destroy your brain.
3- Don’t take advice from people
Who are not where you want to be in life.
4- You life is 100% your responsibility
No one is coming to save your problems.
5- Don’t compete and compare yourself with others
If you find someone smarter than yourself, work with then.
6- weed, cigarettes 🚬 has 0 benefits
It has zero benefits in your life. Cigarettes will only slow your thinking and lowers your focus.
7- Comfort is the worst addiction
And a cheap ticket to depression.
8- Respect your privacy
Don't tell people more than they need to know.
9- Avoid alcohol 🍺 at All costs
Nothing is worse than losing your senses and acting like a fool.
10 Keep your standards high
Do not settle for something because it is available.
11- Respect And love your family
Even if the world become against you they are the one who will gonna stand by you till the end.
12- Increase your knowledge to know God
Do not just blindly sit and believe, go and research, read religious book, find the truth and if you are in the right path increase your knowledge and don't just stop there.